If your child is away at college and is caught driving while impaired, your immediate response needs to be to defend them. A DWI charge is serious and can result in problems such as:
· Heavy fines
· The loss of their license
· Expulsion from college
· Job loss
· Lost financial aid
All of these, and other, issues could happen if your child is arrested and convicted for driving under the influence.
Driving under the influence isn’t just a result of drinking alcohol
One thing to talk to your child about before they go to college is that the use of drugs that don’t belong to them is not legal. You should explain that the effects of these drugs might seem beneficial, but they could get a DWI if they drive while impaired by them.
For example, one common study drug is Adderall. This is a drug most often used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s a Schedule II drug, which means that it has a potential for addiction and needs to be prescribed by a medical provider.
As a controlled substance, your child could be charged with a drug crime for being in possession. If they cause a wreck or drive recklessly because of the drug, they could also face a DWI.
Are study drugs likely to cause DWIs?
It’s possible for study drugs to lead to DWIs. Did you know that study drugs can cause all kinds of side effects that could affect your ability to drive? Some side effects may include:
· Paranoia
· Insomnia
· Headaches
· Dizziness
· Anxiety
Mixing these drugs with alcohol or other kinds of medications could also result in serious symptoms that could make it dangerous to drive.
What should you do if your child’s accused of a DWI and drug crimes?
If your child is accused of a DWI and drug crimes, it’s important to talk to an attorney about how these accusations could affect them. Minors under 18 may face different penalties than college-aged students who have already had their 18th birthdays. It’s smart to get to know what penalties they could face and to take steps to help avoid them.