If you’re accused of a drug crime, it’s important for you to find out if you’re facing state or federal charges. There are some differences in how these cases are handled at the state or federal level. Differences, such as variances in the length of time you could be imprisoned or the fines associated with the charges, could have varied implications for your case.
Whether you’re accused of state or federal drug crimes, you need to be sure that you defend yourself as soon as you can and with as strong of a defense as possible. In either case, it’s possible for you to face heavy fines and imprisonment, so it’s necessary to develop a protective defense.
Federal drug crimes
Federal drug crimes typically involve large quantities of drugs. They may also be cases involving the illegal importation of drugs into the United States or involving transporting drugs across state lines. If you had a weapon at the time of a drug arrest, then your case may be raised from a state offense to a federal offense, as well.
The problem with federal drug crimes is that they may involve mandatory minimum sentences. Upon conviction, you may be forced to go to prison for a year or longer as a result.
State drug crimes
State drug crimes could include crimes such as possessing drugs, possession with the intent to sell drugs, trafficking drugs within the state, selling drug paraphernalia, cultivating drugs, manufacturing drugs or others.
While state drug charges may not have mandatory minimum sentencing in all cases, that doesn’t mean that they’re not taken as seriously as federal charges. A state drug charge could lead to you facing heavy penalties or being jailed, both of which could negatively influence your life.
Whether you are facing state or federal charges, you deserve a strong defense to help you protect your best interests. There may be options, like alternative sentencing, that can keep you out of jail or prison, or there may be ways to prove that you are not guilty of what you’ve been accused of. It’s worth looking into the laws and fighting for your freedoms.