What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Attorney
The Internet has made available a wealth of information. While this can certainly be helpful in a number of ways, the sheer amount of information that is out there can be overwhelming. Anybody can post just about anything and claim that it is fact. In some cases, this may be harmless. However, if you are facing legal troubles and do not know what to look for in a criminal defense lawyer, misinformation may harm you when you need help the most.
Providing Dedicated Legal Representation
I am attorney George Hildebrandt, and I have been providing criminal defense services to people in the greater Syracuse area for more than 35 years. With nearly three decades of legal experience, I have developed a solid reputation in the justice system and in the communities surrounding Syracuse. When you do not know where to start in your quest for a lawyer, look to someone with experience and the record to back it up. Contact me, a New York defense attorney, online or call 866-929-3285 to schedule an appointment to discuss your case.
Questions to Ask When Looking for Defense Counsel
All of the fancy advertising and claims and flashy web sites account for little when a lawyer does not have the experience or track record that is needed to handle the unique details of your case. Some questions that you should always ask when you are looking for defense counsel include:
How long have they practiced? I have been practicing criminal law for more than 35 years. I know the legal community in and surrounding Syracuse and the proper procedures that need to be followed in both state and federal court.
How long have they worked as defense lawyers? Many defense lawyers like to play up the fact that they have also worked as prosecutors. The fact is, prosecutorial work is an entirely different game with its own unique legal training. I have practiced criminal defense exclusively for nearly three decades. I know the system inside and out.
Do they receive recommendations and referrals from other lawyers? Not all legal work is created equal. A family law attorney or an estate planning lawyer will typically not be able to handle defense work. When clients need criminal defense, other attorneys will often refer them to me. I also have the highest peer review rating available, as determined by other lawyers and judges. Peer recognition is one the highest honors one can receive.
Have they represented other lawyers? Lawyers are human too and sometimes they may find themselves in need of legal assistance. I am proud to say that I have represented other lawyers in their time of need.
Can they back up their claims with actual experience? It is easy for other lawyers to claim that they have experience, but what does that really mean? As a Syracuse defense lawyer, I have handled over 100 criminal trials and have represented defendants in over 30 homicide cases.
Have they represented clients accused of serious crimes? When a client is facing serious criminal accusations, such as a drug crime or a violent crime, you will want an attorney who understands everything that is at stake. I have defended people who have been in the most dire of circumstances and I will apply that same type of tenacity to every case that I handle.
Call for a Consultation With a Syracuse DUI Defense Lawyer
When you look for a lawyer on the Internet, the amount of information that is available can be overwhelming. It is important to find legal counsel with experience who can handle everything from DWI charges to serious felonies such as homicide. Contact me, a Syracuse criminal defense attorney, online or call 866-929-3285 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case.