My Fee Structure
When choosing a law firm to work with on a criminal defense issue, cost matters. However, few lawyers in New York offer transparency about how much they charge, making it difficult to know if they are right for your budget. At George F. Hildebrandt, Attorney at Law, in Syracuse, I understand this, and hope to give you some idea of what you can expect if you work with me.
Flat-Fee Services
At my firm in Syracuse, I typically charge a flat fee for my criminal defense services. This fee usually covers all of the work I do for you unless your case goes to trial. The exact amount of the fee will depend on the charges you are facing.
The benefit of a flat-fee service is that you know exactly what your financial obligations are. With this system, you will never get a bill from me that you weren’t expecting.
Additional Fees For Trial
In some situations, taking a case to trial is the best option. In those cases, I charge an extra fee. I do a substantial amount of work preparing a case for trial. This is in addition to the lengthy time spent during the trial itself, which is often just the tip of the iceberg in terms of time and effort spent. The additional fee covers the time and effort I will devote to giving you the best chance I can of securing a favorable outcome. It is this substantial preparation, along with my utter devotion to winning the trial and my decades of experience, that have made me successful.
No Payment Arrangements
I do not provide the option for payment plans at my firm. However, I do understand that criminal charges are often a surprise — and not something most people have planned for. While I typically require upfront payment, if you need extra time to make financial arrangements, I am willing to work with you.
You Pay For Quality Service
While I am not the least expensive attorney in the area, my rates are based on the level of quality that I provide. When you are facing potentially life-altering consequences if convicted, it is important that your lawyer be willing to do whatever it takes to ensure you are protected. If the fees are too low, quality service may not be the top priority.
Payment Options
At my firm, I accept credit cards, checks and cash as payment.
Call Today To Learn More
To learn more about my rates, please call my firm at 866-929-3285 or 315-350-3980. You may also send me an email to request more information.