Receiving news that your college student is facing criminal charges for drug possession can be quite heartbreaking. While you’re processing your response, it’s crucial to consider that teenage behavior isn’t always straightforward. As their parent, your teenager is...
Have You Been Charged With A Serious Crime?
College Student Criminal Defense
Zero Tolerance repeat offenses lead to more severe punishments
Like other U.S. states that don’t tolerate underage drinking, New York has a Zero Tolerance Law. Drivers under 21 years of age caught with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level between .02 and .07 violate the Zero Tolerance Law, and they will face a litany of...
College-aged students could make criminal mistakes
When you send your child away to college, you expect them to stay on the right side of the law. You don’t expect them to get caught doing drugs or driving drunk. Still, many people who go to college are still minors, and the majority won’t be able to legally drink...
How drunk driving can affect your education
You made a mistake. You had one too many drinks and decided to take yourself home. You are now facing a DWI. It’s important that you understand how those charges can change your life, including your education. If you are entering college or are a college student, be...
Sexual Assault Allegations on College Campuses
Earlier this year, Governor Cuomo signed the "Enough is Enough" law, aimed at addressing the perceived sexual assault problem at colleges in New York State. The main purpose of the law is to ensure the implementation of uniform responses to reports of sexual assault,...