Around this time of year, people are leaving New York to someplace warmer or to see family. Others need to make all-important business trips. They have their passport, their luggage is packed and they have a ride ready to take them to the airport now – there’s only...
Have You Been Charged With A Serious Crime?
Understanding the long-term impact of DWI
Facing DWI charges in New York can be a scary and overwhelming situation. Most people focus on the immediate consequences of the charge and what may happen if they are convicted. Unfortunately, few people in these situations understand the long-term impact that a DWI...
How do the penalties increase for repeat DWI offenses?
New York has a progressive policy for penalizing criminal offenses. If you have committed the same offense in the past, the penalties you face for a subsequent charge will be more severe than what you endured after your first guilty plea or conviction. The penalties...
Is fighting a DWI charge worth the investment?
Accusations that someone committed a driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense can mean big expenses for the criminal defendant. Retaining an attorney and paying for timing court is not cheap, and there are a surprisingly large number of defendants who would rather just...
You don’t need to drive poorly to get arrested for a New York DWI
You never know when you might encounter a New York police officer engaged in traffic enforcement. Sometimes they lie in wait outside of popular clubs and restaurants or just down the street from a major venue when there is a concert. Other times, you will simply cross...
Dealing with the social impact of a DWI
Although many people would like to assume that the impact of a DWI ends once you pay fines or complete a sentence, the reality is that there are many ways in which a DWI could affect you even after you’ve resolved it. Socially, you may run into problems that you...
Should you plead guilty to a DWI?
There are plenty of times when it makes sense to admit to doing something wrong, but in criminal law, you rarely want to plead guilty to a crime unless you know that you have no other option. Pleading guilty to a DWI could end up leading to heavy fines, the loss of...
Diabetes could present like being drunk
There are a few medical conditions that have the potential to make you appear intoxicated. Among them is diabetes, a common condition throughout America. As a side effect of this condition, people with diabetes may appear intoxicated and slur their speech, get...
Don’t let your DWI snowball into bigger trouble
If you are stopped and accused of driving under the influence, you need to be aware of your rights and how to prevent problems from this stop leading to a snowball effect in your life. A snowball effect occurs when one event starts to build into additional events. For...
Your wine-soaked dinner could lead to a DWI
If you enjoy meals that have wine sauces or alcohol added to the preparation, you should know that not all of that alcohol will burn off in most cases. Depending on when the alcohol is added during the preparation of the meal, 75% or more of it could remain. The...